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Caffeine having a negative impact on your dental health, constipation and indigestion due to missing teeth


Caffeine has a negative impact on your dental health, constipation, and indigestion due to missing teeth

caffieneCaffeine has a negative impact on your dental health.

Ahh! Nothing beats a warm cup of coffee. It’s energizing and likely an integral part of our daily routine to get ready for the day. You might even reach for another cup when you’re feeling that afternoon fall.

So how is all of that coffee affecting your dental health?

What can you do to reduce its negative effects on your pearly white teeth?

There are tiny ridges and pits within the enamel of every tooth. When you eat and drink, they can hold onto it causing stains. A dark-colored drink like coffee could actually implant itself into your enamel, causing slightly yellowing of the teeth.

In addition to discoloration of your teeth, coffee might even lead to the development of a bad smell. This is because the beverage gets into the grooves in your tongue. Yuck!

This can be prevented, by brushing after a while of drinking coffee, and cleaning your tongue, with a tongue scraper.  To prevent bad breath, you can also try eating some food before you drink your coffee.

Coffee is an acidic beverage. This means that it could actually lead to enamel erosion. This will n time make your teeth thin and brittle. Also, your teeth may have sensitivity and they are more n danger of tooth decay.  Plus, if you are adding a lot of sugar and cream to your coffee, you could be doing even more harm to your choppers.
To stop the harm that coffee could possibly cause to your teeth, enjoy it in limits. Experts recommend that one to two cups of coffee per day is sufficient with no harm. Regular dental check-ups are needed. Proper brushing and flossing are also recommended for healthy teeth.

Constipation and Indigestion due to missing teeth.

As you all know defecation is a daily routine of human life. Routine defecation is a sign of a healthy body. Occasionally there occurs a condition called constipation which is a backup in your digestive system. The digested food you eat can take several days to exit from your body.  Here the constipation is chronic, and passing lumpy hard stool is accompanied by straining. This means there is difficulty in emptying the large bowel.

Sometimes constipation results may be due to obstruction in the large intestine. The main sign of constipation is PEBBLE POOP. The pebble poop or pellet-like poop occurs when the very hard stool break’s into tiny pieces. This breakage happens in the anus instantly before a person has a bowel movement.

It may be more difficult to pass the smaller pellets of stool, and a person may need to strain more to pass the stool. When the bolus passes through the gut the colon absorbs the little amount of the water that the bolus contains. Food that passes more slowly than usual spends more time in the colon. This time the colon absorbs more water and stool may be left very hard. Painful bowel movements, straining poop, large stool to pass, feeling that some stool remains left behind even after a bowel movement are the few symptoms of constipation.

Next, we go through indigestion, indigestion is very common. It is a feeling of discomfort or burning sensation in your stomach. It may cause hurt to burn, bleaching, or bloating in the stomach. It may also cause vomiting or nausea.

During indigestion, there’s a feeling of fullness in the stomach,  pain in the upper part of your stomach, and a burning sensation between breast bone and stomach.
there is little evidence of both constipation and indigestion eth respective of the oral cavity.  The main cause is tooth loss. It is more common in elderly patients due to tooth loss, changes in muscle tone, and the nervous system. The tooth loss or neuromuscular disorder n elder patients may lead to problems in proper chewing of daily foods. Thus the food that enters the intestine for digestion is not of in proper digestible consistency. Due to loss of teeth patient may not take hard fibrous foods due to the inability to chew. All this will lead to indigestion and constipation.

Replacing the missing teeth professionally is the only remedy for this digestive issue.

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