Dental Erosion.
Dental erosion is the physical damage to the surface of your teeth due to the consumption of acid-rich foods or acid reflux from the stomach. These acids can soften the mineral content of the teeth leading to tooth surface loss. The softened tooth surface, are easier to get damaged away by abrasion or tooth grinding.
Stomach acids are relatively strong and can cause considerable damage to the teeth. People who have bulimia, morning sickness, and severe frequent acid reflexes are prone to acid wear of the teeth.
Dietary supplements of acidic foods can also cause dental erosion.
Many things that we consume daily are acidic in nature. One of the reasons for this is that acidic things create a satisfying taste. Common foods and drinks that contain high levels of the acid include soft drinks (sugar-free and sugar-containing), energy drinks, citrus fruits (lemons, limes, oranges), lemon-flavored drinks or teas, fruit-flavored lollypop’s, most fruit juices, most cordials, etc.
One external sign of dental erosion is the physical loss of the tooth surface and the tooth ay appear glossy. Dental erosion can also make the tooth surface sensitive to any external stimulus. When there is progressive dental erosion, the enamel may wear away to expose the underlying dentine. They may loo le yellow depressions. Fillings n the teeth may start to appear more prominent if the surrounding tooth surface is wearing away due to erosion.
Worned teeth or eroded teeth should be treated immediately either by dental fillings or by dental crows. It is important to visit your dentist regularly so that they can identify dental erosion early, and treat them effectively. They will identify the cause of dental erosion and help you to prevent it. Rinse your mouth regularly with normal water so that the acids in the mouth get balanced. Rinsing your mouth with sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) mouth rinse may also help you reduce the acid level. Reduce the consumption of acidic foods to reduce the maximum problems of dental erosion.
Dental erosion, if untreated, can lead to the extensive loss of the surface of the tooth. The damaged part of the tooth structure can require complex and prolonged dental treatment involving fillings, veneers, crowns, and possibly root canal treatment.
How do I get a cavity under my crown (Dental cap)? How long does a crown (cap) last?
A crown, or dental cover, is a form of dental rehabilitation that entirely covers the tooth or dental implant. A crown is generally required if you have a grossly decayed tooth treated. They are fixed to the tooth structure by means of dental cement. The crown will serve the function of a tooth. There are different types of crowns. They are metal crows, facing ceramic crown, metal-ceramic crown, zirconia, etc. Ceramic crowns are always matched with natural teeth in terms of color.
This is a very reasonable question if you are not familiar with the actual process and design of a crown cemented to a tooth.
Does a crown get a cavity?
The cavity may begin in the root at the crown/root junction. This may be due to decay in the root surface of the teeth. Third, as the tooth approaches the gums the diameter of the teeth decreases. This means that the pulp containing the nerve bundle nerve is closer to the outside surface of the tooth.
To prevent this avoid eating sticky foods. Reduce chewing food on the temporary crown. Don’t eat hard food, it has the potential to break your crown. The permanent crown doesn’t concentrate the force on it, rather chew on both sides. Clean your gums frequently, to prevent any food lodgement using dental floss carefully.
Oral Hygiene
Crowns are usually made of ceramic or a mix of ceramic and metals. Stains and plaque do not stick to it. Though any crown has an edge where it meets with the tooth surface, dentists try to make this edge plane, but it is not able to achieve a perfectly smooth surface. This area should be cleaned thoroughly as it has the potential to develop cavity or gum disease. Brushing twice daily with fluoridated toothpaste, flossing them with super floss, and using interdental cleaners to remove plaque will prevent any gum disease. If you are a high decay-prone person the dentist will advise you to use high fluoridated toothpaste. Dental Crowns are brittle any high biting force may break them easily. So, avoid biting hard substances and fingernails this may damage your crown. There are also other risk factors that may cause crown damage. They are bruxism (teeth grinding), sports activities, stress that is often followed by clenching and grinding the teeth. In case you have bruxism, you may behave to wear a nightguard during sleep to prevent bruxism. When playing sports, mouth guards has to be used to guard your crowns and other restorations as well.
The location of the cavity under a crown will dictate the treatment plan for the tooth. If the cavity is on the outside tooth surface it will be patched and the entire crown is not removed at this point. If it is in between the tooth and the crown, the crown should definitely be replaced after the treatment of decayed teeth. The life of any crown depends on so many factors. Any physical damage to the crown and the teeth should be to the notice of the dentist as earlier as possible