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Periodontics – Gums and Oral Cancer







It is a speciality to treat the tooth surrounding structures called gums.
Gums get infected by many causes, mostly by hard deposits which surround the tooth, also it stains the tooth. Gum infects by microorganisms it stains and leaves hard deposits causing gum infections. Other causes are carious tooth, poorly restored or poorly designed prosthesis, bad oral hygiene, ageing of the tooth.
The speciality deals with caring for gums, like treating bad/poor oral hygiene by scaling and root planing. Educating the patient towards the maintenance of the gum tissue. Advising for recall visit or follow up for further treatment plan.

What are those treatment approaches:
There are several other causes which cause tooth mobility bone loss and gum issues.
What are the causes?
1. Genetically involved gum problems.
2. Hormonal imbalance gum problems.
3. Systemic related gum problems.
4. Microorganisms related gum problems.
5. The stress involved gum problems.
so this list goes on…
The periodontist can thoroughly examine and treat the cause. This also includes new advanced approaches like implant placement, laser treatment which is now added cream to the cake.
If a needed patient gets treated by surgical approach. In surgical approach mainly includes grafting procedures for replacement of bone loss due to periodontal issues.
Proven cause for periodontal infection is diabetic. So systemic induced gum infection is treated by speciality. Pregnant women due to hormonal imbalance gum get easily infected leading to many gum problems. If the neglected patient will result in tooth loss in further. The speciality treats it with care.
Maintenance therapy which is very much required in our speciality is mainly by therapeutic approach. where antibiotics, analgesics, astringents, mouthwashes and gum massaging aids make the periodontal treatment easier.
Early notice, educating the patient an

d advising them for better caring the gums makes always stand first in the speciality.

Oral Cancer Precaution and Cure

Do you know precisely what is cancer? Cancer is the uncontrolled budding of abnormal cells in the body. Cancer grows when the body’s typical control mechanism stops working. Old cells do not die and grow out of control, forming new abnormal cells. These extra cells may form a mass of tissues called a tumor. Some cancers specifically leukemia do not form tumors. Cancer may occur anywhere in the body. Till now we understood what is cancer now discuss about oral cancer. Cancer that develops in any part of the mouth, or oral cavity which includes the lips, tissues, that lines lips and cheeks, teeth, front two-thirds of the tongue or base, is considered part of the oropharynx or throat, gums, area of the mouth underneath the tongue called floor, the roof of the mouth. The flat cells that cover the surface of your mouth, tongue, and lips are called squamous cells. The majority of mouth cancer begins in these cells. A patch on your tongue, gums, tonsils, or the lining of your mouth can single trouble. A white and red patch inside your mouth or on your lips may be a potential sign of squamous cell carcinoma. There is a wide range in how cancer may look and feel. The skin may feel thicker or nodular or there may be persistent ulcer or erosion. What is important to note is the persistent nature of these abnormalities. Noncancerous lesions tend to resolve in a few weeks.
Factors that can increase your risk of mouth cancer include Tobacco use of any kind including cigarettes, cigars, pipes, chewing tobacco, and snuff around others. Heavy alcohol use, excessive sun exposure to your lips, a sexually transmitted virus called Human Papillomavirus, and a weakened immune system.
There is no confirmed way to prevent mouth cancer. However, you can decrease your risk of mouth cancer if you stop using tobacco or don’t start. Avoid excessive sun exposure to your lips. See your dentist regularly. As part of a routine dental exam, ask your dentist to inspect your entire mouth for abnormal areas that may indicate mouth cancer or pre-cancerous changes. Treatment for mouth cancer depends on your cancer location and stages as well as your overall health and personal preference. Treatment options include surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. Discuss your options with your doctor. Prevention is better than cure.

1 Comment

Mythri February 17, 2020 at 1:13 pm

Taking care about our tooth is very important in our daily routine.. This is very informative about the gum care..?

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